

SkyDancing Tantra Teachers

Certified facilitators working in the French-speaking zone

Cassidy Geppert

Cassidy Geppert

Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher

LET Facilitator


Biography :

Cassidy is a certified facilitator at SkyDancing Tantra and Ecstatic Living Institute in the USA. Margot appointed her to lead the TEL training in the USA, recognizing her wisdom, compassion and sense of humor.

After intensive study of Yoga and Tantra, Cassidy has successfully conducted Teachers Training and TEL in the USA and France, bringing profound and transformative experiences to participants.

Cassidy is also a certified SkyDancing Tantra teacher: Personal Training (TEL) and Teachers' Training.

When not busy traveling for SkyDancing, Cassidy resides in her local community in Oregon, where she runs the Yoga program at the Hawthorn Institute. She brings a holistic vision that includes Ayurveda, personal development and the study of plants.

Cassidy is wholeheartedly committed to helping participants develop their own grounding, joy and freedom!

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Certified Teachers from the French-speaking area, qualified to lead SkyDancing Tantra Trainings

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Certified Teachers from the French-speaking area qualified to lead the SkyDancing Men-Women program: SkyMen, SkyWomen, Great Union

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Certified teachers (France, Belgium, French-speaking Switzerland) leading SkyDancing workshops

Certified SkyDancing Tantra teachers have followed the Love & Ecstasy Training over 2 years as well as the SkyDancing Teacher Training over 2 more years. They have also been assistants of certified SkyDancing teachers on a regular basis.

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