Discover on this page all the proposals of the SkyDancing Tantra Institute to discover or deepen the way of Tantra.
The evenings and initiation courses are open to all. No previous knowledge of Tantra is required. Beginners are welcome! You can participate alone or in couple. Other proposals may require prior experience, indicated on the event page if applicable.
The introductory workshops meet the requirement of a pre-requisite for the Personal Training in Love and Ecstasy TEL, if you wish to deepen and continue on this path.
The SkyDancing Tantra seminars invite you to connect to your energy centers, so that your energy, vital or sexual, becomes more fluid, from sex to heart, and from heart to mind, allowing you to connect to yourself, to the other and to the universe.
To discover all the activities proposed by a particular animator, go to the page Teachers.
Evénements en ligne - Ateliers courts - Journées - Séminaires et Stages - Formations agréées SkyDancing et Intensives
POUR RECHERCHER UN ÉVÉNEMENT : CONSULTEZ AUSSI EN BAS DE PAGE, NOTRE CALENDRIER MENSUEL. Cliquez sur le titre, le détail apparaitra dans le déroulé.
Tapez un mot clé, par exemple :
– type de stages : ateliers, initiations, hommes, femmes, jeunes, couples, massages, vacances…
– lieu de stage ou zone géographique ;
– nom des animateurs ;
– ou tout autre mot...
Le bulletin d'inscription/ renseignement est en fin de chaque évènement.