

SkyDancing Tantra Facilitators

Certified facilitators working in the French-speaking zone

Deva Alaya Tessa LavezziDeva Alaya / Tessa Lavezzi

Certified SkyDancing® Tantra Teacher & Bodyworker

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I am constantly inspired and challenged by Osho, the Sufi Path of Love ignites my heart and Tantra has transformed my life.

I joined Skydancing Tantra in 2012 and my professional trainings include:

  • Skydancing Tantra ® Teachers Training
  • Pelvic- Heart Integration®
  • Intimacy Education
  • Like a Pro at the School of Consent
  • Tao Sexual massage
  • Yoni massage at Sexological Bodywork
  • Osho “No Mind Meditative Therapy”

I have in my background:

  • Training for Ecstasy and Love at Skydancing® Tantra
  • Bioenergetics and Core-Energetics
  • Osho meditations
  • Bert Hellinger family Constellations
  • Cashmere Shivaism
  • Tantric breathing
  • Making Love Retreat with Diana Puja Richardson
  • Tantric touch
  • Sexual Grounding Therapy
  • Postural Integration
  •  Pelvic-Heart Integration
  • « Laisser fair l’Amour » retreats with Achintya S. Vasey
  • Tao for women/Universal Healing Tao
  • Tao Orgasmic Pulse Training / Universal Healing Tao
  • G spot and female ejaculation with Deborah Sundahl
  • Shadow work
  • Path of Love
  • Ista levels 1 and 2.

Celebration of life in all aspects, pleasure and healing, sexuality and heart connection, meditation and recognition of the Divine within us, Eros as a gateway onto spirituality are the essence of my work and a way of life.
I offer group workshops, individual and couple sessions,
I live in Bruxelle, Belgique.

Upcoming events of Deva Alaya Tessa:

Skydancing Tantra et Pelvic-Heart Integration
Alaya Tessa Lavezzi 
Aima & Deva Alaya
TEL 35-N cycle 1 - Cursus personnel SkyDancing
Laurent Lacoste & Deva Alaya

Facilitating SkyDancing Teachers

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Facilitators for the SkyDancing "Men-Women program" :
SkyMen (*), SkyWomen (**), The Great Union (***)

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Other certified SkyDancing facilitators (French-speaking area)

Certified SkyDancing® Tantra facilitators have followed the LET : Love & Ecstasy Training over 2 years
as well as the SkyDancing "Teacher Training" over 2 more years.
They have also been assistants of certified SkyDancing facilitators on a regular basis.

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