

SkyDancing Tantra Teachers

Certified facilitators working in the French-speaking zone

Laura Cruz - Soma DeviLaura Cruz

Certified SkyDancing Tantra® Teacher

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Laura is passionate about Yoga, Tantra and Nature. She teaches gentle Hatha Yoga, as well as offering Tantra-Yoga workshops and courses in Switzerland and abroad. She offers private and group sessions.

Laura’s journey started with Yoga. Feeling the wonderful effects of Yoga and meditation, Laura went to India to deepen her knowledge and practice. She attended teacher training courses mainly in India : Hatha Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Yoga Therapy and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Naturally curious, the journey went on with many well-being courses.
Then came the need to feel more connected to her body which brought her to the path of Tantra, in particular SkyDancing Tantra. Tantra allowed her to feel more alive, bringing also more joy to her daily life.
Laura is deeply grateful for this path and the SkyDancing family.

Laura invites people in her workshops to listen within, become a witness while remaining connected to the body, dare to be authentic and vulnerable, and celebrate life.

What inspires her : Be Love and spread Love
Realising the Divine is also on Earth and within.

What people say about Laura :
"Laura brings her sensitivity, softness, listening, presence and her heart qualities to her teachings."


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Certified Teachers from the French-speaking area, qualified to lead SkyDancing Tantra Trainings

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Certified Teachers from the French-speaking area qualified to lead the SkyDancing Men-Women program: SkyMen, SkyWomen, Great Union

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Certified teachers (France, Belgium, French-speaking Switzerland) leading SkyDancing workshops

Certified SkyDancing Tantra teachers have followed the Love & Ecstasy Training over 2 years as well as the SkyDancing Teacher Training over 2 more years. They have also been assistants of certified SkyDancing teachers on a regular basis.

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