

SkyDancing Tantra Facilitators

Certified facilitators working in the French-speaking zone

NadiaoNadiao / Nadi@

Certified SkyDancing® Tantra Teacher & Bodyworker

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they are deeply and playfully continuously learning and transmitting. They did it with computer science, health promotion, sexology... and tantra has a very special place in this path: combining creativity, consciousness, vitality in a philosophical life. they like to share and create links. They love to share and create connections.

Based close to Annecy (France) , they offer sexology sessions to individuals and N-uples. Nadi@ also leads Tantra seminars and workshops celebrating harmony in the diversity . They only take place in accessible venues allowing any person to participate. Nadi@ facilitates moments when participants can dare to dive in a safe space to explore the unique and universal beauty of the experience of being, in order to support their creative autonomy and blossom.


Upcoming events of Nadiao:

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Facilitating SkyDancing Teachers

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Facilitators for the SkyDancing "Men-Women program" :
SkyMen (*), SkyWomen (**), The Great Union (***)

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Other certified SkyDancing facilitators (French-speaking area)

Certified SkyDancing® Tantra facilitators have followed the LET : Love & Ecstasy Training over 2 years
as well as the SkyDancing "Teacher Training" over 2 more years.
They have also been assistants of certified SkyDancing facilitators on a regular basis.

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