

SkyDancing Tantra Teachers

Certified facilitators working in the French-speaking zone

Vivika BlondiauxVivika 

Certified SkyDancing Tantra® Teacher

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Vivika is a life coach. With her programme "Impulses" she supports people in professional & personal transformation projects. She first came across Tantra in 2001 through her readings. Later, in her SkyDancing Tantra® trainings, she deepened her search for vitality and autonomy.
She is also a certified "Moon Mother". This accompaniment fascinates her because it is linked to the feminine archetypes and the symbolism of the uterus.

Today Vivika leads SkyDancingTantra workshops in Lyon. She offers workshops for women around the sorority & female sexuality and specific Tantric accompaniment for couples. Her workshops are an invitation to bring more joy, beauty and poetry in life and intimacy.

Vivika is a certified Skydancing Tantra® teacher.

Upcoming events of Vivika:

Les hanches aux plurielles - stage femmes
Date 1 Feb 2025 - 2 Feb 2025
Les hanches aux plurielles

Certified Teachers from the French-speaking area, qualified to lead SkyDancing Tantra Trainings

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Certified Teachers from the French-speaking area qualified to lead the SkyDancing Men-Women program: SkyMen, SkyWomen, Great Union

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Certified teachers (France, Belgium, French-speaking Switzerland) leading SkyDancing workshops

Certified SkyDancing Tantra teachers have followed the Love & Ecstasy Training over 2 years as well as the SkyDancing Teacher Training over 2 more years. They have also been assistants of certified SkyDancing teachers on a regular basis.

Click on a picture to see the next events proposed by this facilitator.