Aïma (Mercedes Andany)
Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher
Sky Women Facilitator
Biography :
Aïma is a psycho-corporal therapist with 25 years of practice. With a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy from York University (UK), she taught meditation for 10 years in England, India and Brazil. After the birth of her two children, she turned to a more corporal approach: how to express our luminous Being through our body and in our daily life?
She is certified in Naturopathy, in the Armour Liberation Method® and in the Psychology of the Jung Depths.
Aïma is a certified Teacher Skydancing Tantra®.
Mercedes practices in Geneva and Barcelona, leading workshops and individual meetings. For her, Tantra is the cornerstone of all current methods of self-realization, as it unites body, mind and Being, nurturing joy and celebrating Life.