

SkyDancing Tantra Facilitators

Certified facilitators working in the French-speaking zone

Fernando Manrique

Fernando Manrique

Certified SkyDancing Tantra Teacher

LET Facilitator


Biography :

Fernando is a doctor, specialized in psychiatry and psychotherapy in Switzerland after having studied medicine in different countries (Peru, Europe and Australia). Also trained in different meditation techniques and ancestral traditions such as: Lomilomi, Romiromi, shamanism... He has been practicing Skydancing Tantra since 2008.

Fernando is also a certified SkyDancing Tantra teacher:
He co-animates the Personal Training (TEL) and the Teachers' Training.
With Bodhi Sambhava, he also animates the Aqua-Tantra® workshops.

Fernando is a certified Teacher Skydancing Tantra®.

Upcoming events of Fernando Manrique:

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Facilitating SkyDancing Teachers

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Facilitators for the SkyDancing "Men-Women program" :
SkyMen (*), SkyWomen (**), The Great Union (***)

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Other certified SkyDancing facilitators (French-speaking area)

Certified SkyDancing® Tantra facilitators have followed the LET : Love & Ecstasy Training over 2 years
as well as the SkyDancing "Teacher Training" over 2 more years.
They have also been assistants of certified SkyDancing facilitators on a regular basis.

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