Facilitators :
Anando certified Skydancing Tantra teacher, Open Floor, Tantric Pulsation, Osho meditations, Artist.
Mariama certified Skydancing Tantra teacher, Osteopath, Biological Decoding Practitioner
Ma Tara certified Skydancing Tantra teacher, Gestalt-Therapist, Naturopath, Author
Initially developed by Margot Anand, who guided it for three years, alongside 4 certified SkyDancing Tantra facilitators who accompanied her on this adventure and took part in its co-creation: Anando, Ma Tara, Mariama and Ari Dharma. Margot Anand then passed on the animation to her assistants and encouraged the team to continue teaching.
Become the magician of your life
Sexual Magic is a set of body and energy practices that enable us to :
“A lot of joy, a beautiful discovery. I've clearly found magic.” Noémie
“I feel rich from this experience, in a state of blossoming.” Catherine
When: Sunday, October 12 at 5 pm to Friday, October 17, 2025 at 1 pm
Location: 34380 Saint Martin de Londres - Le Hameau de l'Etoile - near Montpellier - south France
Price: €590 - Early Bird (until August 31): €480
For those coming for a 2nd time: €420
Accommodation: from €80 to €150 per day, full board, depending on accommodation chosen (individual or group).
Registration : please complete the registration form below.
Registration will be validated by payment of the course fee or a deposit of €200.
In the event of withdrawal :
- up to 60 days before the start of the course, the deposit will be reimbursed in full (with the exception of an incompressible handling fee of €100),
- less than 60 days before the start of the course, the deposit or €200 will be retained in full.
Any course started remains payable in full.
In the event of cancellation on our part, we will refund the amount paid.
For people we don't know yet, we'll ask for a short phone interview.
This workshop is validated as a prerequisite for Love & Ecstasy Training (LET) and the SkyDancing Tantra Men/Women Program