
Celebrating energy, cultivating awareness

Avec Deva Alaya & Utchi Frank Schubert
Celebrating energy, cultivating awareness
Deva Alaya & Utchi Frank Schubert
stage tantra tantrismeType d'evenement
Stages & Séminaires
dates calendrier stage tantra tantrisme Date
08.05.2025 - 11.05.2025
lieu de stage tantra tantrisme Lieu
46780 Oliva, Valencia, Spain 
Voir sur la carte



A 4-days Tantra Holiday Retreat  

Facilitated by Deva Alaya & Utchi Frank Schubert, certified SkyDancing teachers.

Energy is not yours or mine. It’s not personal, but universal. Energy is everywhere and always available. The journey is to allow ourselves to be open for high levels of energy to permeate and flow through us. This way we offer ourselves and serve Life’s natural intention in each and every moment.

Without awareness, energy may move chaotically and harmfully. With awareness and responsibility, prepared through meditation and the cultivation of presence, the flow of energy will support the natural process of awakening to our true essence.

We will use modern and traditional Tantra practices to cultivate love, presence and awareness while experiencing increased levels of energy. We create the conditions which allow us to release limiting beliefs and conditioning and unlock high levels of vital energy flow within our being.

Be welcome, slow down and connect with nature !


Dates : thursday 8  (5.30 pm) to sunday 11 May (1 pm)

VenueSuniai: 46780 Oliva, Valencia, Spain
Airports Valencia (VLC) or Alicante (ALC)
A recently built beautiful seminar house offering luxury accommodation, chill-out areas, a garden and a pool .

Retreat cost: 480 € / early bird: 420 € (until March 20th)  A deposit of 180 € is required.

Accommodation & healthy vegan food: 140 € / person / night, tax included
Extra nights to arrive earlier and/or extend your holiday stay are possible 
A limited number of single rooms are available for a surcharge

For people we don't know yet, we'll ask for a short phone interview.

This workshop is validated as a prerequisite for Love & Ecstasy Training (LET) and the SkyDancing Tantra Men/Women Program.

Détails du lieu

46780 Oliva, Valencia, Spain

46780 Oliva
Communauté Valencienne

Demande de renseignements - Inscription

stage tantra

Ce formulaire de pré-inscription renseigne Nital Brinkley, directrice de l'institut francophone SkyDancing Tantra, de votre souhait de participer à un des événements du calendrier. Vous serez ensuite contacté par l'organisateur de l'événement choisi. Nous vous souhaitons de riches découvertes !


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