
Doorway to Intimacy - online sessions for couples

Avec Anando & Mariama
DEEPEN THE INTIMACY - Tantra for Couples
Anando & Mariama
stage tantra tantrismeType d'evenement
Événements en ligne
dates calendrier stage tantra tantrisme Date
21.01.2023 16:00



Online sessions for couples
 3.5 hours, once a month (saturdays) 

Facilitated by Anando & Mariama,  certified  SkyDancing® Tantra teachers

Intention, purpose

Discover useful tools for all kinds of relationships: friendships, family, at work…
Express projections, assumptions in a secure environment
Sexuality: clearing old memories, bringing freedom, Sacredness
Improve clear communication in relationship
Rediscover lightness, joy, connection, playfulness
Eager to let go of our old stories

During these sessions, the group will allow to increase trust ,and authentic sharing in a secure environment.
This program is designed with a progression to allow you to go deeper and deeper, to appreciate the subtle or more radical changes that may emerge as a result of the experimentations you will make.
Between each session we will propose exercises/tools to do at home to deepen your experience.

For technical reasons, we ask you to connect each time from the same place.


Dates : January 21st , February 18th and March 18th 2023
Time: 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm (Paris time)
Price: 80€ per couple per session

Demande de renseignements - Inscription

stage tantra

Ce formulaire de pré-inscription renseigne Nital Brinkley, directrice de l'institut francophone SkyDancing Tantra, de votre souhait de participer à un des événements du calendrier. Vous serez ensuite contacté par l'organisateur de l'événement choisi. Nous vous souhaitons de riches découvertes !


Je m'inscris pour le stage suivant :


Mes coordonnées



J'accepte de recevoir des informations sur les stages, formations et évènements du SkyDancing Tantra de notre Newsletter. Je suis libre de me désabonner à tout moment.